By Richard A. Coyle
(Note: these are real TV props.)
The Klingon disruptor started life as an Eminiar Sonic Disruptor in Episode 23, “A Taste of Armageddon.” Later, with the introduction of the Klingons in Episode 26, “Errand of Mercy,” there was a need for a new hand weapon, and as the producers had no plans to return to Eminiar VII, they had the propmakers redress the sonic weapons with new tips and a housing on top with a scope. And so the Klingon disruptor was born.

(Note: these are real TV props.)
The Klingon disruptor started life as an Eminiar Sonic Disruptor in Episode 23, “A Taste of Armageddon.” Later, with the introduction of the Klingons in Episode 26, “Errand of Mercy,” there was a need for a new hand weapon, and as the producers had no plans to return to Eminiar VII, they had the propmakers redress the sonic weapons with new tips and a housing on top with a scope. And so the Klingon disruptor was born.

Right View

Top View

Bottom View

Close-Up of Handle, Bottom

Close-up Handle left side

Muzzle Left side

Muzzle from Front, (note this is model number three)

A different model from the others

Last, the “Snap Action” Holster