Extra data and photos Men in Black
Author Profile

Richard Coyle
Richard A. Coyle, aka racprops was a lucky nerd who found the answer to his life in science fiction, and then by Science Fiction Cons, that led to his finding the loves of his life: his soul mate Jackie, his wife of over 45 years, of making props for TV Shows and Movies, of road trips all over the country doing science fiction cons with his wife, being an attraction at cons selling his models, seeing the sights on the road. On the pages here you can read and see all kinds of props, read his stories of working in Hollywood, and on the road trips. You can see all the research pictures, learn from him how he did his models. Read his life story from a child of the poor 50s growing up in an 8-FOOT by 35-Foot trailer, to being an auto repairman, to TV service and even living in his 74 Chevy Van for a time while working on Star Trek Two. Richard is sharing everything he can here in this site. So many stories, that if done in books would run may volumes. Done here he can share ALL. He hopes you will enjoy all of this.
- Blade Runner Blaster and Other Props
- Forbidden Planet
- How I did it Blade Runner Blaster 1982
- Logan's Run Props
- Lost in Space Classic Props
- My Deep Thought Editorials
- Previous articles from my original RAC Props website
- Science Fiction Cons
- Star Trek Props
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Uncategorized